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The Last Alchemist

A novel of mystery and suspense, The Last Alchemist points to the troubling reality of contemporary antisemitism and recalls the plight of the Second World War lebensborn. Young adults seek the mysteries of a man who has changed his name and hidden away on the Red Cat farm. They enter the mystery of his alchemy and the secrets of his past - and all that they portend for our future. 

The Last Alchemist

Rock Music Icons
New Book: Singer-Songwriters of the 1970s
New Book: Singer-Songwriters of the 1970s: 150 Profiles
Cultural Memory, Consciousness and the Modernist Novel

Cultural Memory, Consciousness, and Literary Modernism: Joyce, Yeats, Lawrence, Woolf was published February 2022.

The cultural history of the 1950s comes alive again in this study of the characters of 1950s American fiction.

The People We Meet in Stories.

The People We Meet In Stories

The People We Meet in Stories brings to life the fiction of the 1950s in America.

Rock Music Imagination

The Rock Music Imagination is now available in paperback.
The Rock Music Imagination is now available in paperback.

Beyond Gatsby: How Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Other Writers Shaped the 1920s

Beyond Gatsby is a cultural history of America through American authors of the 1920s. The book has entered more than 1150 ibraries worldwide.

Beyond Gatsby: How Fitzgerald, Hemingway and Other Writers Shaped the 1920s

Popular Music Books: Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's 50 Year Quest: Music to Change the World (May 2019) and Finding God in the Devil's Music (June 2019)

Bestseller: A Century of America's Favorite Books

America's Favorite Bestselling Books across the past 100 years are discussed in this book.

Bestseller: A Century of America's Favorite Books

Native Sons to King's Men: The Literary Landscape of the 1940s

Native Sons to King's Men: The Literary Landscape of the 1940s considers American culture in the 1940s and the key authors who contributed to the literary imagination of the period.

Native Sons to King's Men: The Literary Landscape of the 1940s

Citizen Steinbeck: Giving Voice to the People

This book emphasizes the relevance of John Steinbeck's fiction and non-fiction for giving voice to the people in our contemporary society.

Citizen Steinbeck: Giving Voice to the People

Mark Twain's Audience

The international readers and lecture audiences of Mark Twain are examined in this book. 

Mark Twain's Audience

Science Fiction in Classic Rock

The uses of science fiction in rock music are explored in this book.

Science Fiction in Classic Rock

Film and Literary Modernism

This collection of essays on the intersection of modernist film and literature is available in libraries worldwide.

Charles Dickens’s American Audience

Through several sources including statistics, literary biography, newspapers, memoirs, diaries, letters, and interviews Charles Dickens's American Audience examines a historical time and an emerging national consciousness that defined the American identity before and after the Civil War. American voices present their views, tastes, emotional reactions and identifications, and deep attachment for Dickens’s characters, stories, themes, and sensibilities as well as for the author himself. Charles Dickens's American Audience has been recognized as a significant contribution to scholarship. The book is now available in more than 2000 library collections.


Charles Dickens’s American Audience

Music and Literary Modernism

This book investigates how music played a role in the work of many modernist writers from James Joyce and T.S. Eliot,  to Virginia Woolf and James Weldon Johnson. Composers works are also examined.

In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time is a collection of stories that flow with humor, mystery, and the dangerous possibilities of imagination. With traces of empathy and irony, these stories explore human connections in a space between wakefulness and sleep, today and yesterday, that is reminiscent of The Twilight Zone.” 

Bloom's How to Write About Joseph Conrad

This book offers a critical consideration of Joseph Conrad’s works: Heart of Darkness, Lord Jim, The Secret Agent, Nostromo, “Youth,” “The Secret Sharer,” Under Western Skies, Victory. The author discusses Conrad’s works in sections on Themes, Characters, Philosophy, History and Context, Form and Genre. This book is intended for the general reader and for students working on writing about Conrad’s fiction. See Bloom’s Writing About series. Infobase/Chelsea House.